When applying for loans, a lender will look at your savings, your income, and your employment. You want to make sure that you keep a good amount of savings in your account to show the lender that you have discipline when it comes to handling money. They will also look at your income to see whether you make enough money to keep up with the monthly payments. Finally, they will look at the length of employment to make sure that you are stable. The above factors will help you get a loan, which will help you raise your score in the long run.
Late fees removed
If you are late, ask the lender to waive the late fee as a courtesy. Most lenders will do that for you if you have not used all of your late waivers for the year. Lending institutions allow either one or two late fee waivers yearly. Then, take the money that they were going to charge you and reduce the balances on your credit cards for an increase in your credit score.
Stay organized with your bills
Get a file cabinet to track your bills and place them in an area where you can get to them quickly. Know the date of your payments and use calendars to remind you of your due dates. Take advantage of automatic payment deduction and electronic e-mail reminders from creditors when offered. Also, use a phone application to alert you when bills are due.
Set goals
Set goals to track your credit repair efforts. For example, create a tracking list for your credit repair letters. Make note of to whom you send letters and when. Set up reminders to check your score regularly to see whether it has improved. Create dates on when you are going to pay off your debt and recheck your score.
Loans and your credit score
Loans affect your credit score more than any other item on your credit report. The type of loan, the amount you owe, and your payment history can destroy or improve your credit.When applying for loans, a lender will look at your savings, your income, and your employment. You want to make sure that you keep a good amount of savings in your account to show the lender that you have discipline when it comes to handling money. They will also look at your income to see whether you make enough money to keep up with the monthly payments. Finally, they will look at the length of employment to make sure that you are stable. The above factors will help you get a loan, which will help you raise your score in the long run.